Thursday, November 02, 2006

Cops Should be Charged with Child Endangerment

I can't help but comment on the recent story about the cops busting a child abuser online. What gets me is that they had him under surveillance for 10 months before they decided to arrest him.

Did it really have to take the guy sexually abusing a preschool girl, on cam, to finally nab him? It took 2 HOURS for the cops to get there to arrest the guy. Meanwhile, the child had to endure that pain and suffering until the cops got there.

I want to know why it took 10 months to get him, before the child was sexually exploited? I hope that someone initiates an investigation and brings the cop down for letting things go on far too long. The problem with our justice system is the old standby "innocent until proven guilty" a result, this is the kind of thing that happens, which should cause an outrage for anyone with small children. The abuser should have been brought in for child pornography 9 months ago.

As far as I am concerned, the cop posing as a pedophile FOR 10 MONTHS is just as guilty as the abuser, for letting it get to the point it did. As a result of his "fine" police work, that little girl will have to live with the fact of what happened, and how the police "helped" her.

Good going, guys...I hope she isn't emotionally scarred too much from your ineptness to catch him before she was sexually assaulted.

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