Saturday, November 04, 2006

Rev. Ted Haggard - What a Surprise....not!

With the recent revelations that yet ANOTHER evangelical figure is brought down in controversy, can't help but comment that this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. After all, they are human, much to their own dismay and egos.

With the recent evidence coming out from Rev Ted, how can we not expect him to say something like "It's not mine!! I was only holding the crystal meth for someone...". Looking for a massage...sheesh...that is a good one too.

Religious ties by some people does not exempt them from having integrity. Think about this, the next time you make a donation. I am sure Rev Ted needs the money for another hit, or Benny Hinn needs to upgrade his plane ticket to first class yet again.

Everyone should have learned after the Jim Bakker and Swaggart sagas. Religious figures are not immune to temptation, as much as they would like everyone to believe. Giving your "all" to God merely deflects criticism for just a little bit longer than everyone else.

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