Thursday, April 12, 2007

Don Imus Radio - RIP

What a big surprise...Sharpton had to stick his nose into the Imus affair. Did Imus' comment lack tact? Yes, but no reason to fire the guy. It's pretty sad when Imus gets raked over the coals for his comment (and all his other comments in hindsight as a result), yet rap artists get away with saying whatever they want in their songs. The selectiveness of the whiners in the world (Jackson and Sharpton are two standout whiners) goes beyond isolating an incident where Imus had an indiscretion, and even blasting Michael Richards' comedy club remarks a while back. Where are the stalwart icons of white supremacy when their race is attacked? Nowhere. The reason being, is that common sense prevails in some societies and cultures who have learned to live by "sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me". Only those who wish to create a Orwellian society of being more equal that others tend to bitch and complain when something is said "out of line". The same ones that feel that they are entitled to everything, are the ones that complain about minutae.

I hate to break it to you, but there will always be degrading comments thrown out in the world about every race and color. It takes real maturity to disregard the comments, and understand that ignorance abounds, and is prevalent in our society. Striking down a person's right to free speech should result in some sort of backlash, but not at the expense of their livelihood. Are black rappers ready to be censored in order to save the feelings of others? I don't think so...that would be called repressing their right to free speech, and they could possibly end up on the streets living off the social system complaining about how society is doing them wrong because of their color, instead of million dollar record deals. Do comedians have to apologize or get chastized for off the cuff remarks about rednecks? fact, Southeners can even laugh at themselves, based on everyone else's sterotyping of anyone living in a trailer park in the Deep South.

Sharpton had said that it "wasn't the comment but the use of the airwaves" that made him speak out. If that's the case, then all media outlets and entertainers are susceptible to restrictions in free speech, and other possible financial disability on a whim of some evangelical fanatic with nothing better to do, when the content is ignorant and/or stereotypical. Do we want to censor all media, so we don't hurt anyone's feelings? I hope not. The answer to it all is to just ignore and don't give your attention to it, if it bothers you.

I don't agree with Imus' inappropriate behaviour, but he has apologized enough. I wish I could say the same for the Duke there is a real crime to humanity if Sharpton/Jackson don't apologize for their outburts a year ago.

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