Sunday, January 15, 2006

Orlando School Shooting - Kudos to Police

The recent story on CNN about the shooting of an eighth grader shows what kind of problems there are with kids these days. After painting a pellet gun to look real, and taking it to school, everyone seems to be condemning the SWAT team for taking a shot and taking the kid out, after being threatened with the gun.
The father told the police that the gun was what!
I have one thing to did the parents let a kid take a gun (pellet or otherwise) to school?
There are probably a few in the community that condemns the use of force, but I say, good for the police. And notwithstanding, I think the parents need to be charged for stupidity also. There is absolutely no reason why a kid has to take any kind of weapon to school, and if they choose to, then all bets are off, and I hope the police continue to use force as required to diffuse the situations.
There is a definite lack of parenting these days, which is resulting in the kids being left on their own to make decisions that they are not old enough, or smart enough to make.

I congratulate the police for the way they handled the situation, and glad that there was only the one casualty...the kid. Maybe its not too late for the parents to instill the proper values with their other children.

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