Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Weenie of the Week - David Emerson

David Emerson is this week's Weenie, for not even understanding the uproar behind the investigation into his cabinet posting. It's one thing to stand up for your beliefs, and cross the floor for various reasons, but it is a totally different ballgame, when you cross the floor days after being elected under a different platform.

I hope that the investigation reveals something, and brings the Harper government even closer to its demise, within the year. I still maintain that the Harper government will fall within one year...and that's sad, that as a Conservative, I say that.

Harper, start making some differences, or you will be crossing the floor next year to keep a job in government.


Anonymous said...

Emerson or ethics?...that seems to be Harper's choice. Emerson has now become a political liability for Harper. Maybe Harper will find a way to "buy off" Emerson and have him step down.


SimpleMan said...

Thanks for your comment...ethics seems to be out of the question for now...I am sure this is only one of many gaffs to come this year.