Sunday, December 03, 2006

Give Michael Richards a Break

I think I have had enough of the latest news on Kramer's famous words at the comedy club recently. So what if he had a lapse in judgement and said a bad word? What about all the times fellow gangstas call each other "nigga"? No different coming from Kramer. He was merely inflecting his position on stage, and now the African American community is seizing on the moment to cry foul...shame on you!!

Kramer has said sorry, and this is all out of proportion. The way the black community has been acting with respect to this, you would think that they still have to sit in the back of the bus these days. Get over it!!! You and all the other "visible minorities" have made great strides, not only to reach an equal status in society, but have surpassed that equality, by becoming walking proof of George Orwell's pigs in Animal Farm..."all are equal, but some are more equal than others".

Get over it...the African American community and the rest of the visible minorities have the Charter of Rights in their favour. If you don't think you have equal standing in society, just think how far I would get in the justice system, suing for being called a "mangecake" by our Italian friends. I guess I should also cry foul for Borat calling the white hotel guy "vanilla face".

Get a life, Black Community...instead of bitching, complaining, and crying foul, do something more productive.

By the way, Kramer, no need to apologize any further.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree completely with shat you've said - the Laugh Factory incident is 100% blown out of all proportion.

Plus Michael Richards used the N-word to get a rise out of the rude hecklers, knowing that'd definitely do the job. But that doesn't make him a racist, and there's a well research article on ENN that shows specific tidbits to prove he actually supports black people and causes...

Definitely not the actions of a racist! :)

Just FYI and Good post!