Sunday, February 04, 2007

Black Superbowl? Who Cares...

Watching ESPN pre-game show today, there is a lot of hype surrounding the fact that this is the first time 2 black coaches will be facing off against each other. Who cares??
Instead of perpetuating the milestones of black achievement, in sports or otherwise, maybe the NAACP should go on a crusade to eliminate the need for announcing and sensationalizing these types of milestones.
Will there be a day when we can just look forward to an event, without having to put a race spin on it? I expect guys like loud-mouthed Al Sharpton will have something to say, and of course, will mean nothing. Jesse Jackson may also jump in, just to stay in the limelight. The real problem in all this is those 2 yahoos getting into the foray of public debate.
Get a life...2 black coaches is no big deal. Just like it wouldn't be a big deal if 2 white coaches were there. Maybe the Asian community will be the next group to say something about not having any Asian coaches in the NFL.

On a side note, Indy is my pick, by 10. Good luck Bears, but you are not the team from 1985.

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