Saturday, February 10, 2007

CNNMoney is Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel

I subscribe to a few news feeds, and get emails every morning, that basically makes up for the lack of having a newspaper's cheaper, and I can filter out the news I do want from the other crap.

As part of the CNN daily email, there was an article about how the housing slump is hurting a guy in Florida who has been flipping houses for 30 years...because there is a slowdown this year, he has been out of pocket $160,000 on a house that's been sitting on the market.

Are the CNN staff writers stupid? The article is written, so that the first part of it implies that the guy is bragging about making $80,000 in the first four months of 2005...then goes on to explain how he has been sitting on a house and is out of pocket. The article seems to want some sympathy for this guy!

Sorry, not going to get any from me. If you play the game, you have to take the good with the bad. It's unsettling that CNN staff writers are having to scrape the barrel for stories, and conjure up a spin on a guy that has probably been making tons of cash flipping, and we only hear about the one that got away.

For the sake of integrity, I hope that future articles from staff writers at CNN don't try to make victims out of people that have made a concious decision to try and make money this way. Not one bit of compassion goes out to these people for their "problems".

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