Saturday, October 08, 2005

A Close Second to Weenie of the Week...

Being a Conservative, there has been nothing in the past few years to really celebrate, and with the occasional "floorwalk" (Belinda and Co.), the Conservatives lack a program to get it together to take the Liberals in the next election.
Stephen Harper has done nothing for the party, except to maintain the uneasiness within the ranks (with limited success, and the natives are restless...), and has not come forth with a platform to stand on his own. The only reason the gap is closing in popularity, is because of what the Liberals are doing, not what the Conservatives will or can do...
Enough with feasting on the Liberals misfortune...don't think for a minute that you will be successful on a campaign that criticizes every move the government makes...leaders are ones with vision and a plan...I have yet to see either from you Mr. Harper...
I have never seen so much disarray in the government today. Mr. Harper, if you read this, try being proactive BEFORE the election is called, and make the election a win on your own party's merits. Try to do something that will sway the public, a platform that will meet ALL the public's needs, instead of the destructive damning of the current federal fiascos.

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