Sunday, October 09, 2005

Delphi Bankruptcy and other fairy tales...

Well, the time is coming for union representation in North America...with Delphi in bankruptcy, the auto industry and unions have to take a serious look at its contribution to the economy. Granted, at one time, a union was useful in speaking together as a whole, to establish fair working conditions for employees, and not to be taken advantage of in the growing economy. However, times have changed. Unions have been working to improve the benefits of their workers past the point of reasonable, to the point where they can't be sustained anymore. With the cost of health care on every NA vehicle reaching unrealistic proportions, in addition to the outrageous wages being paid, slowly but surely the union base is decreasing.
If the unions had any brains at all, they would be looking at maintaining a large member base, but at the cost of wages for everyone...does the union not say they work for the people? I would like to know how they do, since they insist that their older members deserve a higher rate of pay than their younger members (two-tiered pay systems), and pensions that are the envy of most working class. Not to mention, helath benefits that result in GM being the largest healthcare provier in North America.
When will the madness end? The end is near...not only are unionized companies failing rapidly in the US (steel, auto supply), they are stubborn and refuse to acknowledge the fact that the "union machine" is out of control. One day the governments will wake up, and realize that the unionized workforce can no longer be provided for by the state.
Stelco, your end is near also...don't think that a restructuring plan, without concessions from the workforce, will garner you the award for being the lean "steel" machine you want to be. Time will tell, and slowly the establishment will turn against the union for causing havoc in the economy...I know as a taxpayer, I am getting fed up of my dollars going to bail out companies as a worthless cause...
Unions, every last dime you collect on behalf of your membership, hammers another nail into your coffin...I am sure my childrens' children will enjoy reading about the history of unions when they get to then, perhaps, kids going out into the workforce can look forward to equal pay for equal work, regardless of the position in industry, and doing so in a safe, responsible manner.

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