Thursday, December 08, 2005

Latest Hostage Taking - Serves Them Right

Late last week, 4 people were taken hostage in Iraq. Big surprise? No...after being warned about travelling in the country without security, and in some cases having abandoned embassies in a place that is a war zone, anyone that walks into it deserves anything that comes out of it. When will people listen? There is a reason why the respective governments have said to stay out, but that doesn't seem to be good enough for a few individuals that think they can become martyrs in their own right, to somehow make a statement to the rest of the world. Well, you 4 did make a statement...not only did you confirm that Iraq is a dangerous place to be right now, but you also confirmed how stupid you really are.
Leave the humanitarian aid to the professionals, and heed advice of governments if they say its not safe. All you do is propagate the terrorism ideals by leaving yourself wide open for kidnapping and other violence.

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