Thursday, December 08, 2005

Stephen Harper - Liberal in Disguise

I can't help but comment on Harper's tax proposals IF he were to be elected. The big spender, who has been criticizing the Liberal government on their platforms is merely throwing tidbits out to the people, which is really what the Liberal government may have come out with over the next 5 years to reduce the surplus.
1) Reducing GST - a huge change from 7% to 5% over 5 years...big deal. Even after the Liberals proposal to reduce income taxes as an alternative to the Conservatives, 5 years from now is a long way, so who is to say that the Liberals wouldn't do that down the road to gain popularity after getting elected to a minority government Jan 23? Not original enough, nor Conservative for me, Mr. Harper.
2) Reducing small business income tax from 12% to 11% over 5 years - hmmm...same can be said with this tax reform. What gets me is, is that the Conservatives harp on doing something with the surplus, but throw these tidbits out?
Bottomline is, the Conservatives still don't have a solid platform to gain voter share, to really make a difference if they were to be elected. Not only are the tax reform proposals empty, they do nothing to stimulate the economy and make things any easier for where its needed most - the poor and middle class.
You might as well run as a Liberal - you are merely pointing things out the people would eventually see with a Liberal minority.

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