Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Gomery Revisited

Well, big surprise in the report...Paul Martin, I had you in there as being involved somehow, and I still believe you were. I find it hard to believe, as do other Canadians, that even as minister of finance, you knew nothing that was going on...tsk, tsk, tsk...you just didn't get found out this time.

You were part of the "inner circle". Consider yourself, as an individual, lucky this time. The downfall will be your association with the Liberals...and has anyone else made a connection as to why Martin would suggest a Quebecer as the next GG? Must be just me...Liberal...Quebec...media...sponsorship...connect the dots.

Chretien, no big surprise there. Ouellet, another boring revelation.
Has the Canadian public seen now, how the Liberals are not the be all and end all? I am still miffed, because we don't even have an alternative.

I wish our justice system was like the US...and allow the taxpayers to go after damages a few times greater than the fraud amounts. Does the defrauded taxpayer become eligible for something from the victim relief fund, now that criminal charges are pending???

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