Wednesday, November 16, 2005

School Bullying in Toronto

Fifteen teens have been released on bail, after being charged with sexual assault and various other crimes, after a girl has come forward, claiming it all happened in school.
The parents of the accused were seen denouncing the victim, and have said that the school never said anything was going on.
Seems to me, we have an issue of out of control teens, at a time when parents are refusing to properly discipline their kids.
Where have we gone wrong? As a parent, I am determined to adhere to strict discipline measures to keep my kids responsible and considerate of others and their property. What these kids have been charged with, reflects directly on their parents. Its about time that the courts go after the kids and the parents, to make a statement saying we will not tolerate insolence of minors, nor the ignorance of their parents. I hope they throw the book at them.
As for the victim, its too bad that a 15 year old girl has to put up with this trauma, and to have done so, for 18 months. She has finally had the nerve to say "enough", and I hope that any other victims of school bullying come forward with their stories, and lets get back to being human beings.

Whoever you are, victims, some of us are pulling for you more that you know.

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