Thursday, November 10, 2005

Supreme Court sides with Mom

Having been separated for 6 years, I was interested in this case. The mother appealed a reduction in child support based on custody arrangements and won. What this means is, that the court has ruled that maintaining the child's standard of living is the first consideration, as it should be, and the time split between parents is not a huge consideration. Where the line must be drawn, is in what constitutes a reasonable standard of living for the child. I could get into details of my situation, but trips south, and a cruise for my kids (I have never been on a cruise yet in my life...) does not maintain their standard of living - it enhances it. The Supreme Court did acknowledge that more equitable custody arrangements will lead to higher costs...and the father will almost always be on the hook for the additional money.

So, congrats to the mother and for all the moms that have the kids in their us dads, it is another pill to swallow when we can't afford to maintain their standard of living if we want to see them more...something will give, and access by the fathers will be the first thing to give out.

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