Friday, November 11, 2005

Private Health Care...Why Not?

There seems to be a lot of upset people on the issue of private health care. What does it matter if someone pays for faster service?

We in Canada take health care as a right, when its really a privilege. Check out other countries, and you see that our existing system isn't too bad.

I say yes to private health care, if you can do it within the following guidelines, Mr. Martin;

1) ensure that the public system utilizes the same technology and leading edge technology and practices as the private clinics.
2) ensure that the license fees are sufficient enough so that any admin fees and costs to run a private health clinic DO NOT come out of taxpayers' money at all.
3) If a person opts in to private health care, take away their OHIP benefits and health card.
4) Don't cover any additional medical treatment for privately funded health centers.
5) Ensure that the public health system employees are at least paid 10% better than private health center employees.

Let's see how long it takes for private health care to establish itself under the conditions above.

Just remember, diseases/medical issues/accidents knows no prejudice. Private health care does not mean you will get back to health any quicker or better than public health recipients.

The only guarantee is that you will end up with less money, for nothing more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think private health care can be a great way to run the health care system as I heard of problems with universal health care system.